Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Day 4 - Archery

After Orienteering had finished, Sarah took us over to the Archery site. Here she shown us how to hold the bow, how to load it with the arrow and how to stay safe.

To begin with, each of us had 2 goes at firing 3 bows at the target. Once we had practised, we played some shooting/target games. The first game was called ´Fork, Knife & Spoon´. In this game, each colour on the target corresponded to a item in the dining room to use at Lunch, for example, if you hit the yellow target, you could use a fork for lunch, if you hit a red target, you could use a knife etc...Most of us could not hit the yellow (which was the smallest one!), so we had to eat our Lunch with just a knife and spoon! The second game was a race to see which team, boys or girls, could hit the colours in order, for example, white, then black, then blue etc...and the BOYS won!

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