Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 5 - Initiative Activites

After Mountain Biking, we went with Hannah to complete a number of activities involving team work and thinking skills.

Activity 1:
There was a ping pong ball in a long tube and we had to get the ping pong ball out. To do this, we had to fill the tube with water so the ball would float to the top, however, this was not as easy as we thought because the tube had lots of holes in it! After many attempts, we finally managed to get the ball.

Activity 2:
We had to stay in the circle and stand up without using our feet, then we made it more difficult by not using our feet and our bottoms, then we made it even harder by not using only our hands. The last part of this activity was to only use our hands but also join all of us together. It was very hard!

Activity 3:
We had to stand on a line and without moving off it, move along it, depending on what Hannah said. For example, order yourselves from tallest to smallest or put yourselves into alphabetical order

Activity 4:
Using 12 sticks, we had to balance them on a pole without them falling off. After trying lots of different ways, we finally solved the problem and it stayed up for a long time afterwards.

Activity 5:
We had three poles and 4 tyres. The aim of the challenge was to get all of the tyres onto the other end, but the larger tyre could not be on top of a smaller tyre.

Activity 6:
We had lots of letters and we had to arrange them on a grid so the letter was not joined up with a neighbouring letter. For example, B couldn´t be attached to A or C.

Activity 7:
We sat in a circle and played a riddle. Sarah told us what she could and couldn´t take to the party and we had to figure out what was or wasn´t allowed to be taken. For example, you can take Beef but you can´t take Fish, you can take Glasses but not Hats.

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